Enrollment Policy

Pursuant to VT 2229.1 the following is Riverside’s Policy on Enrollment:

  1. Prospective families can choose to schedule a visit, tour, and interview with the Head of School. A complete application is submitted either at the time of the visit or shortly afterwards. Our traditional application deadline is in February and visits start in December.
  2. How we make admissions decisions: When students visit for the day, teachers collect work and make observations. The family tours the campus to learn about our programs and meets with the Head of School. Because we often have limited spaces, we place highest priority on accepting students and families who are supportive of and meet our mission, which is to develop active learners, patient leaders, and engaged citizens in a supportive community. There is more freedom of movement and choice for students at Riverside than most schools, and as a small school we rely on parent support to do what we do. For those reasons, we heavily weigh student engagement and family support for the school in our admissions decisions. We also factor in the family’s relationship with the school (alumni parents or siblings, current siblings, likeliness to attend if accepted, etc.). Simply put, we want student who are curious, kind, and engaged and families that are supportive of the school- regardless of the individual student’s learning abilities or style. You can read our specific Admissions Criteria here.
  3. Additional considerations: Inevitably, we have more applicant than available spaces (see below) under our overall enrollment cap of 120 students. There are also class-size caps (12 unless there is a sibling or other special consideration). We also have grades that, because of classroom space or learning needs of students, are better served having fewer students. When making admissions decisions, we prioritize smaller elementary classes if possible within our cap of 120, and we also look at factors like class composition and teacher duties/workload when deciding on how many students we accept in each grade.
  4. All students are accepted for enrollment in a non-discriminatory manner. No student will be denied acceptance for enrollment if the reason for denial is that the student is disabled as defined in section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or that the student is eligible for special education or undergoing the comprehensive evaluation process for special education. No student will be denied acceptance for enrollment on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or any other classification protected by federal or State law.
  5. If an accepted student is on an IEP plan, the student's IEP team shall meet to determine how the student's services shall be provided. Riverside and the sending district will follow the procedures in Vermont statute 2229.4, after which the student shall be enrolled or, if Riverside cannot best meet the needs of the student, the IEP team will consider an alternative enrollment.

2023-2024 Enrollment Overview:

  • available spaces K-8: 0
  • applicants as of 8/28/23: 0

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